Who is Who

…people in the field who joined the Human Team

Adil Ayaz, Master Auto Tech for more than 15 years
ZERA, Owlvoices's magazine guide.

Adil Ayaz


Editor in Chief

Design & Art Director

Adil, Master Auto Tech for more than 15 years.

Knowing everything and all, from inside and out to the automotive industry, I now want to share my thoughts on how to deliver educational and, at the same time, enjoyable content for all walks of life. That way, I can see “The Human Team” thrive and collaborate towards a positive future.

Oak Porcelli


Associate Editor

Associate Design Director

Associate Art Director

essential element water
essential element earth
essential element air

Oak, polymath and successful entrepreneur.

For decades I have successfully navigated several levels and ins and outs of different industries. But I am always on the lookout for an opportunity where I can bring more meaningful and substantial content to the world. Today, I can count myself as a member of “The Human Team” as well as “the people in the field”.