Integrated quantum computational intelligence-based nano-cyborgs. There, we said it. They’re emerging. 

Yes, saying IQCI-based nano-cyborgs is a mouthful even in short-form, but did you know that this is one of many emerging applications of quantum computing that may lead to advancements you may have already dreamt about - like revolutionary space travel and even the augmenting of humans with devices. 

We’re now in a place in time where researchers are imitating the quantum mechanical dynamics of nature - and yes, imitating nature sounds really impressive.  However, one Nobel Laureate believes that these advancements “will subsequently confer computation with extraordinary power.” 

While as extraordinary and impactful as quantum intelligence-enabled technology may be, we at OwlVoices have also been speaking quite energetically about the essential energy and climate impacts of emerging technology. The WSJ puts it more simply - and we like it: As we integrate more AI (and possibly quantum) finding a positive net climate impact is important too. Now that’s powerful. 

Matter of fact, we rejoiced when we learned about existing efforts to identify optimization methods that help balance carbon emissions and water use of data centers with AI more specifically. We also read about one AI perspective that holds that as is the case with electricity use in this AI era, water use can become more efficient too. And wouldn’t you know, that in our research, we also uncovered information that suggests that quantum has the potential to revolutionize AI.

So it goes without saying, that the notion of an integrated AI and quantum computational technology that drives an end-state where artificial super-intelligence reigns, while daunting to some, may yield positive impacts on energy and climate after all.

Take for instance some of the beneficial outcomes and transformative applications that have already emerged from nanomedicine using the latest advancements in AI and Nanotechnology. One perspective holds that quantum, once integrated into this AI and nano-computing mix, will be a game-changer.  

We’re really curious about this and would like to explore the exact potential for quantum to revolutionize the energy sector. It’s really not difficult to fathom that given the tremendous potential that AI already holds in the energy sector when combined with quantum computing (or quantum artificial intelligence as some refer to it), it may emerge as the powerful game-changing technology for achieving critical climate targets. 

And there are some experts, such as those publishing their studies in leading research publications, who have surmised that quantum is indeed a promising tool, but to our amazement, for handling renewable and sustainable energy systems. It also dawns on us that several experts have recently debated a similar matter at this year’s COP28 - many seeking to catalyze or even address the matter of tech's impact on our climate.  

One important takeaway: There’s a need to create a sense of urgency about the desired energy and climate outcomes in this AI era. And rightfully so, the Axios article notes, that “the European Union will start requiring all but the smallest data centers on the continent to report emissions to meet new corporate sustainability reporting requirements.

Experts stress that we must strive to find the best methods for mitigating AI’s energy impact more specifically, because “curbing AI’s use of energy and water could seriously lessen its threat to our climate.”  

We already know that the energy sector faces many pressures including the diversification of energy sources, energy optimization and grid management, and energy efficiency and demand forecasting too. 

As far as quantum, while we don’t personally know yet whether it has taken center stage in the energy and climate debate, we certainly perceive that it may just take the emergence of more advanced quantum computing for these climate and energy tables to turn. If it takes quantum to help everyone better quantify AI’s energy use confidently, then bring it on. With all the buzz around AI, only time and quantum maturity will tell whether quantum truly holds the key to addressing these energy sector problems. 

Per one source, “If quantum computing moves out of the theoretical computing space and into practical applications within the energy industry, many significant advancements could arise.” 

We’ve said several times over that to be more cost, operationally, and energy-efficient in this AI (and Quantum) era is always worthy of conversation. We leave you with that once more, and also stress this time around, that we simply can’t leave it only to the few emergent “green AI,” scientists striving to address data center and energy resource issues alone. 

Regardless of whether it’s a computing mix of nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, or some other seemingly daunting technology (like a cyborg), one thing is obvious, the lack of transparency around energy use and climate impacts is a critical matter. It simply shouldn’t come down to regulatory requirements to ensure that all are doing their part - keeping AI’s (and quantum’s) climate impact top of mind, and possibly even at center stage. 

Talking about Essential Energy is of utmost importance. For related articles in our series see here.

Juan Jimenez

experienced high-tech and energy conservation consultant based in the US, focused on raising awareness of technologies that drive clean energy benefits.


