Nikola Tesla’s fortunes may have been built on Niagara Falls, but they were fleeting. When it comes to genius inventors, big dreams require a big bankroll.

Tesla gambled his entire life savings on a new venture. Even though his next great experiment was situated on Long Island Sound, his vision was no longer focused upon the water. Instead, he was intent on harnessing the power of the earth.

Not the power of the entire planetary system, but specifically the power of the soil, stone, and magma that makes up our rocky planet.

What could the Earth’s crust, mantle, and core possibly have to do with electrical power? You’re about to find out!

Wardenclyffe Tower

Bordering upon the Atlantic ocean itself, Long Island Sound is a tidal estuary, and a critical part of New England and New York’s water tables. More importantly: It was isolated and had acce möss to a massive amount of power in the form of a coal fired 200 kW Westinghouse generator.

That was what powered Wardenclyffe Tower in the short term. But if Tesla’s dreams became a reality, there would be no need for coal to be delivered to Long Island ever again. You see, Tesla’s newest invention was meant to facilitate the wireless transmission of energy, with a range that would span the entire globe. Built where the water meets the land, it would be a monument to his genius… if he could get it off the ground, so to speak.

To say that his plans were ‘aggressive’ was an understatement. J. P. Morgan, a former rival during the Niagara Falls hydroelectric project, backed the initial building of the tower. It was a deal with the devil that wouldn’t pay off in the long run, for anyone involved. Still, he used that initial funding to build a massive prototype, breaking ground in 1901.

But the tower was based on unproven theories from the mid and late 1800s. They didn’t work on a small scale.

They’d never even been attempted on a large scale. In short, Wardenclyffe was a giant gamble based on nothing but Tesla’s intuition. How could it possibly pay off?

Using The Earth As A Live Wire

Tesla’s plan was to discover the exact resonant energy of the planet Earth, and send pulses of electricity through the core. The theory was that as long as the pulses of electricity were in sync with the planet’s native frequency, the energy could be transported anywhere on the globe using the planet itself as a conduit.

He believed that …

Bill Ricardi

Author and Novelist. Expert on green technology, with hands on experience in the planning and installation of renewable energy platforms.


